by FTC | Nov 26, 2021 | Links, Podcast
Hoy charlamos acerca de la Latin Tech Week en Miami, el empleo Blue y la inflación en USA. ¡No te lo podés perder! Link:
by FTC | Nov 26, 2021 | Links
When Henry Rosales joined Lambda School, he thought it would be a way out of working a low-wage call-center job in Las Vegas. Link:
by FTC | Nov 22, 2021 | Links
MercadoLibre Inc. is stepping up its foray into the crypto world through its digital payments app. Link:
by FTC | Nov 21, 2021 | Links
In a year where just about everything in venture capital is going up and to the right, we wanted to look at which verticals are heating up the most in terms of valuation growth. Link:
by FTC | Nov 18, 2021 | Links, Podcast
Hoy charlamos acerca de la Web3, las DAO y un nuevo mundo con inflación. ¡No te lo podés perder! Link: