DALL·E 2 is a research project which we currently do not make available in our API. As part of our effort to develop and deploy AI responsibly, we are studying DALL·E’s limitations and capabilities with a select group of users. Safety mitigations we have already...

Have iPhone Cameras Become Too Smart?

In late 2020, Kimberly McCabe, an executive at a consulting firm in the Washington, D.C. area, upgraded from an iPhone 10 to an iPhone 12 Pro. Quarantine had prompted McCabe, a mother of two, to invest more effort into documenting family life. Link:...

Is Brazil going to suppress Shopee, AliExpress and SheIn?

This article was originally published in Chinese on Momentum Works’ WeChat platform, and translated into English by the Momentum Works team. Link: https://thelowdown.momentum.asia/is-brazil-going-to-suppress-shopee-aliexpress-and-shein/